Parenting can be a very challenging period in any Mom and Dad’s life, but it is also one of the most fulfilling and rewarding.

As parents, our primary goal is to raise our children to become responsible, educated, and happy people who will make a positive contribution to our world. We must also never neglect or forget the importance of the foundation of their spiritual life.

One of the ways we can do this is, is by teaching our children how to pray. It is essential that our children are aware that prayer should not be all about them and their needs, but they must remember others in prayer as well.

So, here’s a practical way we can engage our children in prayer. By using five of the fingers on one of our hands, we can teach our children a fun and straightforward way to remember how to pray.Baby Praying1. The thumb – always remembering those who are closest to us. For instance – Mom’s and Dad’s, siblings, grandparents, other family members, and friends.

2. The second or pointing finger – still praying for those persons who tend to lead us in the right direction. For instance – Childcare providers, nursery, and preschool teachers, principals or the school nurse.

3. The middle finger is the tallest. This finger represents leaders in every area of our life. For instance – The top representatives within our church family, national, and world leaders.

4. The fourth finger often described as the weakest, represents those among us who are sick, injured or hurting emotionally. As an adult, it was suggested to pray for those that bothered me that day. This habit teaches us to pray for others, even the ones who might irritate us on the playground, school or during our grown-up day.

And finally, their pinkie
5. The smallest finger which represents those among us who often go unnoticed, particularly those who’ve been deprived of sometimes the necessities of life. This practice gives children a perspective that there are those less fortunate that need our acknowledgment and prayers.

It’s that simple. So, let’s all begin to engage our precious little ones in this life-changing activity today. As parents, you will truly enjoy their responses about whom they need to pray for.