It can be very distressing when your pet isn’t doing very well, and it’s a worrisome experience that many pet owners go through. Any owner immediately looks for a solution, and in today’s world, more and more people are beginning to look for natural, holistic ways to heal their pets and help them deal with their struggles and ailments. A lot of people are skeptical about chemicals and the negative side effects that come with traditional prescriptions. So, are there any natural alternatives out there to traditional medications? Luckily, yes– and CBD oil is one of them and can be found at

What Is CBD?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a compound that’s derived from the hemp plant. It’s completely natural and doesn’t contain any of the psychoactive properties that another well-known compound, THC, has. With CBD, you don’t need to worry about your pet getting high, and it’s legal within all fifty states. However, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding hemp, and sometimes people are (understandably) a little reserved and skeptical about giving their pets something that comes from cannabis. It’s very important to note that your pet will not get high, and CBD is completely safe for consumption. But even open-minded owners will want to know: do vets approve?

Do Veterinarians Approve of CBD?

The good answer is–yes, absolutely. There are many vets who approve of the use of CBD in pets for the relief of physical ailments and conditions, from pain and nausea to mood and appetite. In fact, a lot of veterinarians have CBD products for sale at their clinics, and at the very least, they should be able to recommend some great products to you. When CBD first emerged as a medicinal solution for many of the conditions animals suffer from, vets were hesitant to recommend it. However, there has been more research conducted on the safety and benefits of the hemp compound, and now many vets are on board. Today, more and more states are beginning to allow CBD to be sold for consumption–in both human and animal products.

Do I Have to Get My Vet’s Approval in Order to Give CBD to My Pet?

The answer is no–obtaining CBD does not require a prescription that’s been written by your veterinarian, unlike many other traditional medications. You do not have to have your vet’s written approval to buy CBD and administer it to your pet. You can purchase it legally from retailers online, pet stores, and other places. Your vet can help you with research, and help you make an informed choice when it comes to taking care of your pet in the best way possible.

 However, even if you don’t need a prescription from your vet to give your pet CBD, you should consult with them anyways and receive their overall approval. Your vet will be able to go over your pet’s medical history and discuss what exactly is the problem and how exactly CBD could help. It’s also important that your vet is aware that you’re giving your pet CBD and your intentions with it, so they can check in on how things are going over time.