
Body Marbling: New Festive Trend That Turns Your Skin Into Art

2022-05-17T08:02:38+00:00Fashion, Lifestyle|

Body Marbling – a new way to paint your skin! Black light visual is the company that really brought body marbling to the festival scene, and the trend caught on like wildfire. Here’s how it works. Anyone looking for some seriously stunning temporary tattoos dips their arms and legs into tubs up filling with water and neon paint or skin safe acrylic paint. As you can see, the resulting effect is incredible. The experience

What Can You See in this 124 year old painting? Rabbit or Duck?

2022-05-17T08:03:05+00:00News, OMG|

This is a 124 year old painting which was published in 1892 in a German magazine. If you observe the painting, you can spot two different animals in there? Can you say which one do you see? A rabbit or a duck? According to a study in 1899 by a psycologist, if you instantly see both and switch between the two animal images, its proven that you have a more creative brain! Share in comments below

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