16 Most Favorite Facts About Pittsburgh You Should Know [Infographic]

2022-05-17T08:02:33+00:00FYI, Travel|

Are you from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? Did you know all these cool facts about your city?  Check out this cool infographic that explains those facts very nicely. (Click Infographic to enlarge) Image via century3kia Share this Image On Your Site <p><strong>Please include attribution to debongo.com with this graphic.</strong></p><br /><br /> <p><a href='https://www.debongo.com/pittsburgh-facts/'><img src='https://media.debongo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/13161045/facts-about-pittsburgh.png' alt='16 Facts About Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania' width='760' border='0' /></a></p><br /><br /> <p> 1) Pittsburgh was founded in November 27, 1758 2) Pittsburgh is