
Snake Stuck In Endless Loop Of Its Own Shedding Skin

2019-06-19T06:07:15+00:00Animals, OMG, WTF|

A weird and bizarre thing happened Alice Spring Reptile Center in Alice Spring, Australia. And you probably are wondering what this is all about. Actually what you are looking at is dead skin of a snake. Well!! That was obvious (you might be thinking). If you look closely something is moving inside the skin, that is nothing but the snake itself!! Yes!! That’s the weird part. This snake, the Stimson’s python “Stimmy” in Alice Spring Reptile Center was

He Heard Banging Noise From Ceiling And Was Shocked To Find Out What It Was

2019-06-19T06:06:54+00:00Animals, OMG, WTF|

How would you feel if you are coming back to your house and notices something weird hanging out of your ceiling? Taking a closer look to it, you realizes it’s not a rope or something else but a snake. Oh! I just heard you gulp. That’s what happened to Matt Hyatt, a resident of South Carolina who returned to his house to find two snakes hanging out of his ceiling. Yeah!! There were two. There were

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