
This Guy Saving A Dolphin Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

2019-06-18T11:55:20+00:00Animals, Travel|

It feels really great to stumble upon something that make you feel warm amidst the entire negative reports one come across while scanning newspapers and flipping channels of television about humanity being destroyed. This video of a guy saving a dolphin washed ashore by ocean will keep you smiling the whole day. Nuade Dreyer from Pelican Point Kayaking in Namibia is a tour guide, who did something beautiful and heart touching when he spotted a helpless

Baby Sees Mother For First Time, And His Reaction Is Priceless


Who wouldn't love baby smiles because these smiles are precious the cutest and can melt anyone's heart. But things were different with this adorable little one. Four-month-old Leopold Wilbur Reppond, who lives with his parents near Seattle, Washington, suffers with a rare disorder called oculocutaneous albinism. This condition affects the color of a person's hair, skin and severely impairs his vision which means that the youngster is unable to see properly. But things changed when Leopold got his new

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