
Giant Gator Spotted At A Golf Club In Florida

2022-05-17T08:02:52+00:00Animals, OMG|

A giant gator was spotted taking a stroll across the fairway, making his way to the lake at the Buffalo Creek Golf Club in Palmetto, Florida, last Wednesday. The video was taken by Charlie Helms, and you can hear him say: "That is the biggest freakin' alligator I have ever seen in my life." Pro shop clerk Wendy Schofield told News 3, that this massive gator has been here for a very long time and it doenst

A Bizarre Translucent Sea Creature Spotted With Eaten Fish In Belly

2022-05-17T08:02:54+00:00Animals, News|

Underwater life is very fascinating, and we as humans have not discovered half of the species from the dark ocean. Photographer Wayne MacWilliams spotted the bizarre creature while blackwater diving, in 500ft of water two miles off the coast of Palm Beach on Singer Island, Florida. The black water diving involves diving in jet black water with very limited awareness of surroundings, as the only light comes from strobes. The creature was see through can, the fish it

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