
Types of Masks for Coronavirus


The WHO (World Health Organization) and public health officials recommend wearing a face mask to control the new coronavirus's spread that causes COVID-19. People now wear all different types of masks, including N95, cloth masks, and disposable medical masks. But how effective are these face masks, and which is the best mask for coronavirus? is giving information about different types of masks via below infographic.

LG’s New Air Purifying Face Mask

2022-05-17T08:02:06+00:00Health, Tech|

Air purifying masks are recommended as a simple barrier to prevent airborne droplets from entering the atmosphere and other people when the person wearing the mask coughs, sneezes, speaks or raises a voice. It is called source control. This is based on the fact that now we are aware of the role respiratory droplets play in spreading viruses causing COVID-19, combined with new evidence from clinical and laboratory studies showing that the droplets reduce when worn

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