
Baby Monkey Is Learning How To Use “Tablet” From His Father

2022-05-17T08:02:39+00:00Animals, FYI, OMG|

Just few weeks back we shared a post about a drunk monkey in Brazil chasing men with a knife, we thought things can't get any stranger! But guess we were wrong, because today we are going to share something really cool and unheard of! Have you ever seen any animal using tablet? Your answer will be no.. Isn’t that’s just an adorable moment, father monkey teaching tablet to his young baby monkey. Here is the most freakish

A monkey in Brazil drank rum, and started chasing men with something surprising in his hands


In Patos, Paraíba in Brazil, a monkey drank some rum, stole a kitchen knife, got aggressive and started chasing men with the knife in his hands! Firefighters were called to the bar, to catch the monkey, as it was armed and the weird thing is it would only chase men, leaving women alone. Locals captured a video of the monkey who was using the kitchen knife to scratch at the bar's roof. The firefighters were successful at

A Monkey Adopts a Puppy And Takes Care Just Like A Parent

2022-05-17T08:03:05+00:00Lifestyle, OMG|

This is a extraordinary tale of love between two totally different animals: a monkey and a puppy. Last month, in a small town of Erode, Tamil Nadu (a part of Southern India), a monkey adopted a baby puppy and now they are inseparable. They share an unbreakable bond of affection, which seems a little surprising to humans. They show the world that the diffirence between them is insignificant and that, the only thing that brings them together is

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