Whatsapp Messenger

Problems with my WhatsApp – What do I do?

2022-05-17T08:03:21+00:00Apps & Software, Hardware & Devices|

Whatsapp is one of the most popular instant messaging tools that is used in the world today. With over a hundred million downloads done each on the Apple App Store as well as the Google Play Store, the popularity commanded by this instant messaging app cannot be denounced. At present, it holds a humongous user base and caters to an approximate half of the smart phone user base. So, if there are any problems, here are

Whatsapp Messenger Review

2022-05-17T08:03:38+00:00Apps & Software, Reviews|

Whatsapp Messenger has to be the most popular app being used on all platforms to stay in touch. It is available on the Windows Phone, on all devices running iOS, Blackberry OS as well as the Android OS. The main purpose of Whatsapp is to provide users with a simple system of being able to stay connected to each other. Whatsapp is also available on phones that run the Symbian OS. The interface is probably one of

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