As your mood improves—and it will, sooner or later—you can make more and more significant changes to your routine. And if you can maintain those habits after your mood has improved, you may feel better than you have in the past.

  • Spend More Time With Close Friends:

As long as they are receptive, talking about our feelings with others helps us process them, put them in context, and obtain advice and support. Don’t be afraid to tell people you need their time and don’t feel bad about taking it. If you are uncomfortable or unable to talk to family and friends, you can call a helpline instead. Even if you don’t want to talk about your emotions, spending time with others, such as playing sports or cooking a meal, should help to lift your spirits.

  • Don’t Overload Yourself:

Try lowering your stress as much as you can. Simplify your life by doing less or only one thing at a time. Divide complex tasks into smaller ones and set realistic completion deadlines. Don’t criticize yourself for “doing nothing”; you’re just giving yourself the time and space you need to improve. Consider it as taking a step back to jump higher.

  • Do More Of The Activities You Used To Enjoy:

Read your favorite childhood book, watch a movie, cook a meal, call an old friend—anything that gets you out of your house and takes your mind off negative thoughts is likely to make things better.

  • Get Out Of The House:

Warm daylight, fresh air, and the many hustles of everyday life, as well as the sights, sounds, and smells of nature, can all be beneficial. Try to get some light exercise, such as a 30-minute walk through some greenery, along a stretch of coastline, or past some beautiful buildings, if possible.

  • Defend Yourself Against Negative Thoughts:

Make a list of all the positive traits of yourself and your life (you may need assistance with this), keep it in your bag or wallet, and read it to yourself every morning, if not every few hours. Whatever you’re feeling, remember that you haven’t always felt this way, and you won’t always feel this way.

  • Avoid Acting On Critical Decisions:

This is not the time to divorce your partner, quit your job, or spend large sums of money. When you’re depressed, you’re more likely to make mistakes in your thinking. Check your reasoning with others and take their advice seriously—especially if you don’t agree with it!

  • Get As Much Sleep As You Can:

A good night’s sleep, or even a nice nap, can make a huge difference in how we feel.

  • Appointment With A Health Care Provider Helps:

Seek the advice and assistance of your family doctor or a psychiatrist. Perhaps you should seek advice from your doctor and proceed from there.

  • Determine Who You Can Contact In An Emotional Emergency:

This could be a family member or friend, your doctor, or a helpline. Consider a backup option in case your preferred choice is unavailable. Save their phone numbers to your phone, so they’re always at your fingertips.

  • Be Gentle With Yourself:

Improvements in mood are more likely to be gradual than abrupt, and you may even get worse before you start getting better. When you’re on the right track, you’ll have good days and bad days. A bad day that follows a good one can seem even worse for it. Don’t blame yourself for bad days, and don’t give up. They will become fewer in number over time.

You may already be doing some of these things, and you do not have to do them all. Try those that feel the easiest to you or are the most convenient for you. And please contact us at Debongo if you have any additional ideas to add to the list.