Choosing the right marketing consultant for your needs is fundamental to the development of any business. The complexity of digital marketing has increased, as have the figures and tools that can be used by a company. Often companies find it difficult to choose when faced with so many offers and figures available on the market.  The first step is to ask yourself these questions:

Marketing Consultant: What am I looking for?

Is the Marketing Consultant really the figure I’m looking for? Asking yourself this question is essential to proceed, just to clarify the Marketing Consultant is a professional who, by analysing the market, is able to draw strategic and operational guidelines in order to optimise and maximise results, trying to interpret and respond to consumer demand/desires.  The task of this important figure in the marketing panorama is precisely that of putting supply and demand in contact with each other; for this reason, the consultant’s tasks include identifying the best ways of fulfilling this function and placing the company on the market.

 Marketing consultant: Am I clear about my objectives?

The second step is to clarify what objectives I would like to achieve with the Marketing Consultant, which can be similar to these:

  • What do I want to achieve through marketing?
  • More awareness for my brand?
  • Do I want more customers?
  • Do I want more sales on my website or e-shop?
  • Do I want to position my brand differently in the market?
  • Do I want to sell to a different audience, or in another country?

 Marketing consultant: How to choose the right one?

The third and decisive step is to choose the right Marketing Consultant for your business, here are the basics that every good marketing consultant should have:

  • Fundamentals and basics of economics
  • Fundamentals of sociology of communication
  • Fundamentals of statistics and methodology of social research
  • Fundamentals of consumer psychology and advertising
  • Marketing principles
  • Communication skills

As far as training is concerned, every good marketing consultant should have an academic background and if we are looking for a Senior Marketing Consultant, he or she should have at least 5/10 years of experience in the field:

  • Academic bases on communication or advertising
  • Google, Facebook, Microsoft certifications
  • Consultant experience of at least 5 years

With this information it will certainly be easier to approach the marketing consultant best suited to your needs or at least with clearer ideas about this indispensable figure in the business world. Very often companies rely on specialised professionals because they need to achieve results and the Marketing Consultant’s task is above all to develop the right strategy. It often happens that the consultant, starting from scratch, helps the entrepreneur to ask the right questions, find the answers and establish the objectives.

Written by Louis Molino, Digital Marketing Consultant, very popular in Europe, popularizer of the innovation landscape, writes articles and guides for specialized journals and international newspapers.