Several folks decide to add trees to their gardens to make them more beautiful. Most of them do so for an aesthetic reason or to provide additional shade during the summer months. However, trees provide more benefits than you might think. Aside from relaxing, connecting us with nature, and providing a calming effect, trees do a lot for the entire environment.

If you intend to plant a tree around your house, keep reading to learn about the benefits of trees to our environment. And how to do it correctly.

The Best Time To Plant A Tree:

Trees and shrubs can be seeded at any time of year if the appropriate planting hole is dug. However, some specific time is better than just random for a variety of reasons. To summarise, the more time you have between when you plant a tree and the onset of summer, the better. As a result, fall is the ideal time to relocate or plant new trees and shrubs. On the other hand, springtime is a popular time for it.

  • Climate Change Warrior:

Harmful CO2 exacerbates climate change, and trees absorb CO2, eliminating it from the air and collecting it while releasing oxygen. An acre of trees consumes enough carbon dioxide per year to drive your car 26 000 miles.

  • Air Purification:

They absorb contaminant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, and sulfur dioxide. Trees also absorb odors and act as a filter as small particles become trapped in their leaves.

  • Water Conservation:

Water will slowly evaporate from low vegetation due to the shade it provides. Trees require approximately 15 gallons of water per week to survive and release about 200-450 gallons of water per day.

Follow these essential steps by Debongo to plant a tree the right way:

  1. Proper Planting Hole:

Make any planting hole three times larger than the current root system but no more profound than the plant was expanding in its habitat. When it comes to trees, and even good indicator is to look for the flare of the trunk near the soil surface.

  • Planting High:

You could even take it a step by further planting trees and shrubs with up to 25% of the root ball higher than the nearby soil level. Then, spread the soil up to cover all of the roots, followed by a generous layer of mulch on top.

  • Inspect Regularly:

Examine the roots once the plant has been removed from its container. Break up the pattern if they are densely bound circularly or have begun to grow in the shape of the container. You’ve probably sentenced the plant to a slow death unless you break up the pattern. It will almost certainly never establish or achieve even a fraction of its potential.

  • Soil Amends Is A No:

Modern research suggests that you should not fill the hole with extra organic material, unlike traditional planting methods. Roots that have grown in amended soil seldom venture into the more challenging surrounding land.

  • No Air Pockets:

Even though you could lightly tamp or hand-pack the soil all-around plant roots to maintain adequate soil-to-root contact, spraying the hole with a stiff spray of water after halfway backfilling works just as well. Not only will it provide necessary moisture, but it also aids in the elimination of air pockets, which could otherwise result in dead roots or worse.

  • Mulch It:

Mulch improves the preservation of much-needed moisture and keeps roots cooler near the surface, critical for newly sown plants. Place two inches of organic matter, such as shredded leaves, starting about two inches from the trunk.

  • Water Properly:

Slow and deep watering permeates the soil around the roots, giving the roots time to assess moisture while preventing excess runoff. Brief, manual blasts of water from an overhead hose or sprinkler system do not provide the same level of water delivery effectiveness.

To Conclude, Since all of the steps mentioned above are necessary, your active participation in monitoring newly planted trees for signs of distress over time will be the deciding factor in your tree planting success. Write to Debongo and let us know if you found these steps to be helpful in your tree planting efforts.