Testgroup’s Big Five personality test is based on 5 different character traits that are tested to gain insight into the personality of employees or job applicants. With this test we help companies and governments to find and place suitable employees, and to get a good picture of them during the application. Within 45 minutes you have the results of the test, and so you immediately know where you stand as an employer. And perhaps more importantly, whether this candidate or employee is suitable for the intended position. An overview of the ‘Big 5’ character traits that our Big Five personality test assesses:

Five personality test

Benefits of the Big Five personality test

Companies use Testgroup’s Big Five personality test primarily to select and help develop employees. By having a clear picture of an employee’s character and personality, specific qualities and ‘shortcomings’ can be taken into account. Everyone has his or her strengths and weaknesses that can be taken into account. In this way you can place the right employees in the right place, and thereby help the employee in the development of his or her career.

A special algorithm, called Normative Split Technology®, is used to counteract the steering of this test. This technology makes it clear to the purchaser that the user is trying to steer the test, and therefore gives answers that do not match his or her personality. For example, socially desirable interpretations, or doubts about the answers, are indicated. By correcting for this, you achieve a better end result, with results that are easier to interpret.

Big Five personality test report

After taking the personality test, a report is prepared to give an overview of the results. On this report, 34 ‘Big Five competencies’ are used to assess the personality of the buyer. In this report first of all an overview is given of the above described algorithm that prevents steering of the answers. Then a brief overview is given on 4 areas of personality: control, output, mental and attitude. This is for a quick and brief overview, after which in detail a grade is given for each trait. This allows a good distinction between the qualities and shortcomings of buyers in Testgroup’s Big Five personality test. Having a good overview of the qualities helps companies enormously with the correct placement of employees, and also the necessary guidance in the career. In this way, an employee can develop better over the longer term through our personality test.

Big Five personality test information

The Big Five personality test is intended for companies, governments and agencies who want to gain insight into the (potential) employees and their character. Please note that it is not suitable for individuals. The test result is available within 45 minutes, and costs €45 per test. After taking the test, it is possible to go through the results by phone with a TestGroup employee. Larger orders are also possible, please contact us. The test is available in 20 languages, which makes it suitable for multinationals with employees who speak different languages. In addition to this personality test, TestGroup offers a dozen other personality tests. Please check out the TestGroup website for these.

Our Big Five personality test is the most used personality test of the Benelux. Experience the benefits of our test yourself by contacting us at 020-2621630 or by mail at [email protected].

About us

Testgroup specializes in offering different types of (scientifically proven) tests for employees and job applicants to test personalities and abilities. Specially aimed at companies and governments, so not suitable for individuals. By offering high quality tests we help in the process of managing employees. In general, our tests are used to indicate personality, but also for example to test mental state. For example, we also offer a Bridge Burnout Indicator test that helps prevent burnout in an employee. Such tests help companies to support employees, and provide what they need. This in turn helps with the productivity and efficiency of the company. In addition to the Big Five personality test, and the Bridge Burnout Indicator just mentioned, we offer many other tests. Contact us for the possibilities for your company!


Did you get interested in the Big Five personality test after reading this article, or any of the other business tests Testgroup offers? If so, please contact our staff as soon as possible. This way we can discuss together what your requirements are, and deliver the intended tests as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, our tests are specifically intended for companies, organizations and governments. Private use is therefore not possible.

Testgroup can be reached at 020-2621630 or by email at [email protected]. We recommend to contact us by phone; the caller is faster!