Alcohol addiction, alcohol abuse, alcoholism or alcohol use disorder, all include dependence on, tolerance to and compulsion to consume alcohol. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), approximately 17 million adult population of the U.S. is affected by this disease.

Individuals who are dealing with alcohol addiction tend to be defensive about their situation and believe that their alcohol addiction is only harming them, however, because of their addiction they are unable to notice the change in their behaviour and realize that their addiction is putting their loved ones and risk of legal and financial obligations. Alcohol addiction also leads to loss of memory and cognitive disability and all this adversely affect their loved ones. Here are few tips to remember if you are dealing with an alcoholic spouse.


Always Remember That Alcohol Addiction Is a Disease

It is not easy to understand that your spouse actually does not have control over their drinking because alcohol addiction is a disease. In order to better understand it, it is helpful to consider it as any other disease such as heart disease or cancer. Although it is possible for them to choose to overcome their addiction, however, until that happens, the disease is going to remain in its place.


Do Not Lose Your Temper

You may feel driven to leash your anger on your spouse when you saw them consuming alcohol in large quantity. You may feel exhausted while dealing with the stress and there are times it becomes intolerable. Even then it is advised to maintain a sense of peace and patience. It may help to find a friend to whom you can vent about how you feel, however, you must avoid disclosing those feelings to your spouse. Consider it like telling a person with cancer that you are tired of taking care of him/her.


Focus on Yourself

While you cannot do anything to reverse your spouse’s alcohol addiction, however, you can make sure that you are taking good care of yourself. Until your spouse decides to deal with their alcohol addiction, you can invest in your relationship with your children, friends, and other members of the family. Do not forget to treat yourself with things you enjoy in order to take a break from stress and regain the energy to handle things more appropriately.


Take Quick Action When Your Spouse Agrees To Seek Professional Help for his/her Alcohol Addiction

Their determination to seek help can fade quickly. Therefore, when they express their interest in seeking professional help, you must act quickly and encourage them by taking them to a rehabilitation facility and supporting them throughout the treatment process.

If you carefully keep all the above tips in mind, and you always remember that alcohol addiction is a disease, it will help you control your anger against your spouse. You must keep yourself organized and act quickly when your spouse agrees to seek treatment for their alcohol addiction.