
The Ultimate Benefits Of Vitamin D


We have seen a drastic upsurge in demand for Vitamin D due to the widely publicized research linking the same with protection against COVID-19. We encourage you to take the Vitamin D supplies well in advance to ensure health stays perfect in Coronavirus pandemic, take extra care of storing the vitamin D tablets because unforeseen situations where stock demand changes dramatically, such as the current pandemic. Vitamin D is a must for numerous reasons, including bone

How Can You Increase Your Immunity?


With the Coronavirus epidemic on everyone's mind, you might be curious if there are any precautions you can take to avoid becoming ill. Even though there is no way to guarantee you will not catch COVID-19, there are steps that can be taken to slimmer your chances. The immune system, the body's organic defense system, is a complicated network of cells, tissues, and organs that protect the exposure to toxic invaders. Microbes, viruses, parasites, and even

Work From Anywhere- Concept And Reality


If the workplace ramifications of COVID-19 are a time machine to the future, as Anne Maire Slaughter, CEO of New America, suggests, we could be in big trouble. Work-from-home policies implemented worldwide had resulted in 45 percent of employees attending several meetings during the pandemic more than when they were in the office. While working remotely, 40 percent of employees reported feeling mentally exhausted from video calls. When compared to working at home, 59 percent of

List of Major Things Happened in 2020!


Congratulation! You survived until 2020! Emotionally, 2020 took about 12 months and 487 years. The beginning of a new decade in 2020, which many people looked forward to with enthusiasm and an opportunity for a new chapter in life. But by the end, everyone wondered what happened to 2020. Yet others have wondered over the past month whether this year will get worse and what is to come. As people begin to embrace new ways of

How Coronavirus Made Digital World Better and Enhanced?


What is the COVID-19 Virus? First recognized in the city of Wuhan, the novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19 is a constituent of the family of coronaviruses, the pandemic which has taken the world on a toll! It can cause conditions like the common cold to potentially lethal ones like severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS. China has confirmed human-to-human transference, akin to the flu, and hence its swift spread globally. This is more so because the

Things To Know About The COVID-19 Infection


What is Corona Virus? Corona viruses COVID-19 are a vast family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the-common cold - more dreadful diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV).  Coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain that has not been before identified in humans.   What You Should Know People with Chronic Diseases and Older people are at higher RiskSteps to prevent illnessWhat to do when sickSymptoms Symptoms FeverCoughColdShortness of breathIn

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