
Little Girl Heels Dancing In Her Mom’s Heels Is Too Cute To Be Missed

2022-05-17T08:02:36+00:00Entertainment, Lifestyle|

Very few have the passion of dance. Dance is an art which needs the passion for learning from inside. It is said that “Great dancers are not Great because of their techniques they are great because of their passion”. Some dance really needs both passion and practice and Flamenco is one among them. These two women prove that it requires more that just passion to perform this dance! These ladies are pouring their heart into

Are you creative enough to bring it out? Check this Innovator fund who can help!

2022-05-17T08:02:58+00:00FYI, Lifestyle|

Mushrooming under the umbrella of the MMBF Trust, the brainchild of the 23 year old British Philanthropist, Matthew C. Martino; is a new fund the Matthew Martino Innovators Fund which is under the expert management of the famous British film maker and producer, Paul Knight. Apart from the financial assistance of £250 to aspiring creatives and artists of all possible niches of creative field, the fund will also provide, training, counseling and a chance to meet

12-Year Old Girl Amazingly Mastered Dubstep Dance Just By Watching Youtube


Internet has played an important part in our lives over the last few years. Websites like Google, Youtube, Facebook (just to name a few) are the ones majority of us check at least once a day. Here we are sharing a story of young 12-year-old girl who learned something amazing with the help of Youtube - she mastered dubstep dance! She would watch the dance videos over and over again until she figures out how to do

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