
How to Backup iPhone Using iTunes and Restore iPhone from Backup

2022-05-17T08:03:29+00:00Hardware & Devices, How to|

It is an era of latest technology, and people are crazy for the latest gadgets. For these gadgets lovers, iPhone is a latest gadget, which comes from Apple' factory. This latest device has had the features that you don't find in other devices. People have increased their dependency on this phone, to a large extent, now they don't want to move without it. They save their important information such as contacts, videos, important documents, and appointment

How to Restore iPhone from Backup

2022-05-17T08:03:29+00:00Hardware & Devices, How to|

Once you are done backing up your iPhone or any device you might need to restore it back. Or there can be other reason that you want to restore your phone from your last or any other saved back up. There are different ways to back up your iPhone and so are the way to restore it. Restoring your device depends on the method you used to back up. Here are some ways to do it:

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