
What This Woman Is Eating Will Make You Skip Dinner

2022-05-17T08:02:47+00:00OMG, Travel, WTF|

You might have traveled the whole world, or are planning to do so. Visiting exotic places and savoring different cuisines are the only motivation. Isn't that right? But eating live scorpions?? I guess that has taken the concept of exotic cuisines a bit too far. Watch the following video if it’s not your dinner time, and don not blame us if this video kills your hunger. It features a women eating something (not so tasty) in a market in

Philippines Has A Cool And Refreshing Way To Enjoy Your Meal

2022-05-17T08:02:50+00:00Lifestyle, OMG, Travel|

A restaurant located at the Villa Escudero Resort which is in San Pablo City about 3 hours south of Manila, Philippines provides its diners a cool and refreshing way to enjoy their meal when they are all soaked in water and they can enjoy the food with water flowing under their feet. Yes, you heard it right, there's a waterfall restaurant where you dine right next to a water fall! Enjoy a relish meal right next to the Labassin

10 Things Restaurants Hide from You


Do you know what happens `behind the scenes’ in a restaurant? There are a lot of goof-ups, errors, hidden secrets and other short-cuts that are a part and parcel of any restaurant everyday working. As you sit and wait for the ordered food to appear, there is a whole lot of happenings and mishaps that rule the roost in the restaurant kitchen. Some are dirty, a few funny and many others test the strength of even

10 Reasons Why Restaurants Make the World A Much Better Place to Live In


Are you a foodie? Food lover or not, restaurants are a god given boon to mankind. Where will the world be if there are no eateries dotting the planet? Anytime, anywhere…an eating place is always there to feed the hungry and the needy. So, this deserves an exclusive write-up. Keep up the good food hospitality rolling! An ode to all restaurants in the universe... Where there any restaurants long, long ago? I’m talking about hundreds of

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