Weight Loss

What Happens When You Follow Keto Diet For 5 Days?

2022-05-17T08:02:27+00:00Food, Health|

The keto diet is well known for being a low carb high-fat diet. Keto diet has been trending this year. It is referred to a ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low carb high-fat diet.   The real question is does it work. Before you know the answer to this question sees, what is keto diet? Whenever you eat something high on carbs, your body will produce insulin and glucose. Glucose is the easiest molecule to convert and produce energy 

A Devastating Tragedy Pushed An Obese Twin To Make A Stunning Transformation

2022-05-17T08:02:49+00:00Lifestyle, OMG|

Until the age 11, these twin sisters Mary and Ruth looked completely identical and why not!! They were twins after all. But as the age descends upon them, things started to get little out of control as Mary started putting on some weight. Slowly, it got worse as the weight increased manifolds. By the time they were adult, Ruth weighed 120 pounds whereas Mary weighed 420 pounds. This created a serious inferiority complex in her which

How Not Knowing These 8 Nutrition Tips About Fat Loss Makes You a Rookie

2022-05-17T08:03:11+00:00Health, Lifestyle|

Most individuals go to the gym with an aim of losing fat. However, most of these individuals are not aware of the most effective ways on how to lose their fat, and this is why they never achieve their goals in terms of shedding those extra unwanted pounds. The gym is not the only way on how you can lose your body fat. Nutrition plays a big role and with proper dietary plans, one can come

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