
Baby Born With Genetic Disorder Has 31 Fingers And Toes

2022-05-17T08:02:40+00:00News, OMG, WTF|

Hong Hong, a 4 month old boy from China, has 31 fingers and toes. The boy was born in January with 15 fingers and 16 toes in Pingjiang Country in Hunan province. He don’t have thumb. Doctors had diagnosed Hong Hong with Polydactylism, a conceptual condition that is been found in humans, dogs and cats, giving them the extra fingers and toes. The condition is genetic and was passed by his mother who has six fingers

New Born Takes The Internet With Her Glamorous Head Full Of Hair

2022-05-17T08:02:52+00:00Humor, Lifestyle, OMG|

Just when we were about to get over with Isabella, the two-month old who was born with full head of shining, dark brown hair there is another cute little one, Coral from Hawaii who's pictures have gone viral for the same cute reason. Andrea Rader who suffered from heartburn throughout her pregnancy had even visited the emergency room at one point, because of an unfamiliar pain, which she suspected to be something serious. She found out that is was nothing but

Baby Sees Mother For First Time, And His Reaction Is Priceless


Who wouldn't love baby smiles because these smiles are precious the cutest and can melt anyone's heart. But things were different with this adorable little one. Four-month-old Leopold Wilbur Reppond, who lives with his parents near Seattle, Washington, suffers with a rare disorder called oculocutaneous albinism. This condition affects the color of a person's hair, skin and severely impairs his vision which means that the youngster is unable to see properly. But things changed when Leopold got his new

Dog Protects His Baby Sister From Hair Dryer Is So Precious


Just like every dog, Eekichi, this poodle doesn't like hair dryers either. For his entire life, he has always been groomed by his human mother, who is a professional groomer. But things changed when he got a baby sister. He loves her so much that he would throw himself over her, just to protect her from the dryer ( despite the fact that, he has always disliked the dryer). His mother, who uploaded the video on

Everyone Is Falling In Love With This New Born And The Reason Is Pretty Cute

2022-05-17T08:02:55+00:00Humor, Lifestyle, OMG|

A two-month-old baby girl has became an Internet sensation after a photo of her luxuriant head full of hair went viral. It all started two weeks ago, 28-year-old Mackenzie Kaplan took a photo of herself and her new born daughter, Isabella and posted it to her Facebook and Instagram accounts. A day later, her daughter –- with her full head of shining, dark brown hair -– had become an Internet star, inspiring numerous conversations and numerous

Adorable reaction when baby meets dad’s twin for the first time


This is the cutest and the best thing I have seen today! Stephen Ratpojanakul (is probably the dad, in the gray sweater) who is holding baby Reed, has an identical twin Michael. They are playing with the baby, confusing him on who the dad is. Baby adorably hops back and forth between the two, calling both of them "dada" one by one as soon as he looks at their faces. They not only have identical faces, but

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