
If You Call This Beautiful, Get Ready To Drop Your Jaws When It Transforms

2022-05-17T08:02:50+00:00OMG, Travel|

When you get bored of all the random paintings around you selling itself as art, it feels great to stumble upon something that really grabs your heart and makes you stand there dumbstruck with its beauty, now that’s called art. I am talking about the “16th Avenue Tiled Steps Project” of San Francisco, the beautiful art covering 163 steps leaving everyone stunned as they cross it. View from the top Image credits: yellofish The

What A great Way to Honor Late Comedian and Actor Robin Williams


A rainbow-arched tunnel connecting the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin County in California, which was unofficially known as the Waldo Tunnel or the Rainbow Tunnel, has now been renamed to "Robin Williams Tunnel" to honor the late comedian and actor Robin Williams, who died in August 2014, was a long-time resident of Marin County. Last year, a woman named Julie Wainwright started a petition to rename the tunnel as a tribute to him. The new signs were installed by

This Deadly Mushroom Can Kill Even Before You Realize It

2022-05-17T08:03:02+00:00Food, Health|

Here we are talking about a killer mushroom, Death Cap (scientifically known as Amanita phalloides) is a deadly poisonous mushroom that can kill a person even before you realize it. These toxic mushrooms resemble several edible species commonly consumed by humans, increasing the risk of accidental poisoning. These mushroom are widely distributed across Europe, but could have snuck into California from Europe attached to the roots of imported plants, as early as 1938, according to biologist Anne Pringle's research, at the University of

Stunning and Rare capture of “Firefall” in Yosemite National Park

2022-05-17T08:03:03+00:00OMG, Travel|

The "firefall" is a rare phenomenon that only happens in mid-to-late February when the sun sets to the west of the Horsetail Fall waterfall in Yosemite Park  at a certain angle,it turns the waterfall into a glowing orange "firefall" that attracts photographers from all over the world. There are several conditions that have to be perfect for the sun to reflect off the waterfall in a fiery orange color. “I know photographers who have been coming out

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