galaxy tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Review

2022-05-17T08:03:34+00:00Hardware & Devices, Reviews|

What is it? Samsung has long been in a tussle of power with Apple. It was expected that the Apple iPhone would clean sweep all the sales in the whole world and become the most popular smart phone of all time with one model. Unfortunately, that was not to be, because the release of the Galaxy S2 from Samsung reverted the whole impetus and made it the most powerful and the most successful mobile phone at

iPad 3 vs Galaxy Tab 7

2022-05-17T08:03:35+00:00Hardware & Devices, Tech|

The Battle Apple and Samsung have long been at the helm of the technological market, and even though Apple is leading in terms of sales, Samsung is not far behind. The Galaxy Tab shares an arduous history with its competitor, because in various different countries, this tablet was banned and removed from the market because it was accused of infringing on patents held by Apple. However, with the release of the latest Galaxy Tab 7, Samsung

Galaxy Tab vs Asus Transformer Prime

2022-05-17T08:03:36+00:00Hardware & Devices, Reviews, Tech|

The Battle: Samsung has been one of the big hitters in the tablet production market, with the Galaxy Tab making a strong appearance when it was released. However, things didn’t go so well in the future, as the sales of the Galaxy Tab were hampered for long periods of time due to the lawsuits filed by Apple against Samsung, which resulted in the banning of the device in various countries. Asus, on the other hand, was

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