
Dad Fails Miserably Attempting To Send Text To His Daughter

2022-05-17T08:02:52+00:00Humor, OMG|

Have you ever used Siri, expecting it to do what to tell it to do, but the (not-so) smart Siri does something totally weird! Here is a dad try to text his daughter a "Love You" text but ends up sending a dad-rage text! my dad tried using siri to send me a text message for the first time — kellie (@punkcas) May 31, 2016 Dad: " (something something) know what time" Kellie: "3:25" Dad:

How to Play Music Through Siri on iPhone

2022-05-17T08:03:18+00:00Apps & Software, Hardware & Devices|

Siri is one of the finest innovations that Apple has introduced. Before it was introduced with the iOS 6 update, most people weren’t even sure of having a ‘talking smart phone’, but when the impact of Siri was revealed, a lot of people realized that it made their lives much easier. Rather than using their hands to use their phones, Siri could be configured to respond to a person’s voice, allowing them to get stuff done

How to get turn by turn directions through Siri using Google maps

2022-05-17T08:03:19+00:00Apps & Software, Hardware & Devices|

Did you know that Siri is not only one of the most effective digital assistants that you can get through your iPhone, but you can also use it for navigational purposes? There are very few phones that provide such accurate voice recognition systems as Siri, and the iPhone’s handy assistant can now also act as your digital co pilot as well. You can use it to get turn by turn directions wherever you go, and it

Siri and S Voice Coming to BMW in 2014

2022-05-17T08:03:24+00:00Apps & Software, Hardware & Devices|

With technology advancing at a rapid rate, it wasn’t going to take a long time before mobile phone technology expanded further. Already, companies are offering Bluetooth functionality with their vehicles, which allows you to connect your smart phone via Bluetooth the car’s interface, allowing you to stream calls and talk without using your hands. However, with revolutionary voice technology now being introduced such as Siri and S Voice in two of the most prominent smart phone

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