
Debongo’s Top 10 South Indian Food For You


Indian cuisine is far more than the overhyped Butter Chicken, Roasted Chicken, and Naan. These South Indian food dishes may be found on most menu items, but they are just the tip of the giant iceberg compared to the primary flavor of India served in restaurants. To broaden your palate, travel south, where the food is mainly cooked with coconut or in coconut oil. South India is a veggie lover's paradise, as the best south Indian

Stranger Raises $300K For A 89-Year-Old Paleta Vendor

2022-05-17T08:02:40+00:00Food, OMG|

Generally the age of retirement is 60 or above. Everyone is waiting when their retirement time will come so that they can spend their rest of the life enjoying. But you will be shock while reading this story !! Joel Cervantes Macias, a restaurant owner who runs El Rio Grande, a Mexican eatery in Stoughton, Wisconsin was visiting his home town of Chicago when he noticed Fidencio Sanchez an 89 year old man, used to sell paletas

Perfect Blend Of Taste : Your Favorite Ice cream In The Form Of Bread

2019-06-25T11:21:19+00:00Food, OMG, Recipes|

Most of us like to have dessert after the meal. But have you ever heard or seen bread made with ice-cream. Sounds unusual right!! Usually the basic ingredient to make any bread is from yeast, whole flour and few more ingredients. If you like to have the taste of ice-cream & bread in one dish then this is the perfect blend of both. Method to make this bread is quite simple and the ingredients are also easy

Making Gummy Bears At Home Is Way Easier Than You Think

2022-05-17T08:02:52+00:00DIY, Food, Recipes|

You must admit that everyone loves gummies, no matter what their age is! These gummies are in a bear shaped jelly texture candy with most popular flavors: raspberry (red); orange (orange); strawberry (green); pineapple (colorless); and lemon (yellow). Here is a quick and easy recipe to make these yummy gummy bears at home. Watch the video here: Today I am going to show you have my gummy bears at home. This is a great

5 Tasty Recipes and Tricks for Making Healthy Smoothies

2022-05-17T08:02:53+00:00Lifestyle, Recipes|

Let’s face it, who doesn’t like a smoothie? But is it healthy for you? That is a question that we’d like to answer in today’s article. You must be amused to know that there is a whole range of recipes of smoothies which happen to be healthy for you. The below-mentioned information is going to help a great deal in this regard. We have taken the liberty of mentioning the top 5 recipes of smoothies which

Man Eats A Piece Of Meat From His Own Leg To See How Human Flesh Would Taste


You love eating steak or ham, but have you ever wondered, "How does human meat taste like?". One man gave it a good thought and decided to give it a try. Greg Foot, a journalist from UK got a small part of muscle removed from his leg via biopsy and took it to the analyst to find out how it would taste compared to animals. (Keep in mind though, that its illegal to eat human flesh, even

What Happens When You Pour Molten Copper on Big Mac is Shocking

2022-05-17T08:02:58+00:00FYI, OMG|

Everyone reading this would agree about the deliciousness of a Big Mac especially when eaten with some crispy fries and cold Coke. But have you every wondered what is it made of? This video will definitely make you wonder whether its really edible or not! Not sure if the Big Mac is really an edible item or not, because the way it reacted to molten copper when poured over it is extremely shocking. It

Check Out This Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake

2022-05-17T08:02:59+00:00Food, Recipes|

Chocolate cakes are delicious and anyone ( be it kids or adults) love to indulge in it every one is a while. Why is this the most dangerous chocolate cake? Is it a cake made of thorns or metal spikes? No its not! Its called dangerous because, it looks like its make from prickly thorns and will hurt your mouth, but the truth is totally opposite. Its the kind of the decoration on the cake that gives it

You Wont Believe What These Mesmerizing Artistic Things Are


Feeling hungry? Craving some cookies? Then head to Mézesmanna bakery (a cake decorating shop) in Hungry, where the chef has found a new, unique and artistic way to decorate the cookies. I bet you cant have enough cookie! But these cookies look so beautiful that all you want to do is stare them! They would be the most amazing cookies you could have ever seen. Each cookie is laced with fine, detailed icing, and looks like a delicate piece of

This Deadly Mushroom Can Kill Even Before You Realize It

2022-05-17T08:03:02+00:00Food, Health|

Here we are talking about a killer mushroom, Death Cap (scientifically known as Amanita phalloides) is a deadly poisonous mushroom that can kill a person even before you realize it. These toxic mushrooms resemble several edible species commonly consumed by humans, increasing the risk of accidental poisoning. These mushroom are widely distributed across Europe, but could have snuck into California from Europe attached to the roots of imported plants, as early as 1938, according to biologist Anne Pringle's research, at the University of

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