In this article, you would go through the game, 100 Doors walkthrough 51-60 Level, if you have missed the earlier levels, then check out right now:

Tips Cheats & Clues to Pass the Level

Welcome to 100 doors walkthrough 51-60 level. You must enjoy another adventure in the level.

100 Doors Walkthrough Level 51-60

100 Doors Walkthrough Level 51

This level would teach you, different tips, cheats, and clues; by them, you can pass the level easily. These all clues have been proved with the strategies that are used to resolve the levels, also.

Change 4 Symbol Triangles, Line, Hourglass and Triangle

So, what do you expect from this exclusive puzzle game more, especially in the game, 100 doors walkthrough 51-60 level? Let’s start the challenge. You have seen the 4 symbols that you have to change. Put a triangle to top left, do a line on the top right, choose hourglass for the top left and then, finally, select a triangle towards the bottom right.

Change the Shapes, Triangle,  Square, Circle and Diamond

You may be confused, when you get to the 100 doors  51-60 level. However, you really need to know. Here, you will tap the switch, which you would look at the bottom to the right side of the door. When you will do so, the light will go off. In the next step, you would move towards the door ‘half left as well as to the left. Now, you will change the shapes. The triangle in a top left, square towards the top right, circle to the left bottom and diamond to the bottom right.

The Final Stage of Level 51-60

You would move to the plants, which are in the middle. You would have silver ball here, in your inventory. Put this ball into the hole, as a result the device will turn and the ball starts rolling into the pipe for green button. You will press green if the door opens.

Congratulation, for moving towards 100 doors walkthrough 61-70 level!