
A Woman Spends $500 For The Surgery Of Her GoldFish

2022-05-17T08:02:40+00:00Animals, OMG|

Have you ever heard a fish surgery? Yeah!! A fish is gone through surgery in Brisbane, Australia. Vets from Australia said that a 21year old woman came with a fish problem after her goldfish accidentally swallowed pebble. The goldfish was called “Conquer”, he had been examined by the Brisbane Bird and Exotic veterinary Service center and came to know that a single black pebble was lodged in the back of his throat. Conquer was passed with

This Guy Saving A Dolphin Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

2019-06-18T11:55:20+00:00Animals, Travel|

It feels really great to stumble upon something that make you feel warm amidst the entire negative reports one come across while scanning newspapers and flipping channels of television about humanity being destroyed. This video of a guy saving a dolphin washed ashore by ocean will keep you smiling the whole day. Nuade Dreyer from Pelican Point Kayaking in Namibia is a tour guide, who did something beautiful and heart touching when he spotted a helpless

This Video Will Leave You Wondering “What Happened To His Hand?”

2019-06-18T11:55:32+00:00Animals, OMG, WTF|

What will you do if you go fishing and see a big fish? Sticking your hands out over water would not be the one. Am I right? Of course I am. But of all the people who choose to do what normally is expected there are some who would do exactly the opposite. For example this guy in his Instagram video! You are most welcome to see it yourself. Holy shit!😧😬 👇Tag your friends👇 #Animalyzation A video

What A Disgusting Way Some People Use To Cure Asthma

2022-05-17T08:02:50+00:00Health, Lifestyle, OMG, WTF|

Yes! You read that right. Every year thousands of people gather at India’s Hyderabad Exhibition Ground to treat people with breathing problems. And how do they do that? They make the patient swallow a live fish which are stuffed with paste of some herbs. Sounds crazy!!! The paste is prepared by the Bathini Goud family and they are keeping the ingredients a secret and are claiming at the same time that the recipe is received from

A Bizarre Translucent Sea Creature Spotted With Eaten Fish In Belly

2022-05-17T08:02:54+00:00Animals, News|

Underwater life is very fascinating, and we as humans have not discovered half of the species from the dark ocean. Photographer Wayne MacWilliams spotted the bizarre creature while blackwater diving, in 500ft of water two miles off the coast of Palm Beach on Singer Island, Florida. The black water diving involves diving in jet black water with very limited awareness of surroundings, as the only light comes from strobes. The creature was see through can, the fish it

He flips a glass aquarium up-side down, and see what the fishes do


In 2011, German YouTube user “TCHelmut” uploaded a video of his incredibly innovative new kind of aquarium which he built all by himself for his beloved koi fish in the middle of his garden pond. Its something like a "lookout tower" for the fishes. Usually people have aquariums in the house, but this guy made an aquarium in the garden so the fishes can enjoy the beautiful nature! In a day, up to 20 koi fishes swim up inside the

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